Thursday, February 09, 2006

A fireman once said I was a lovable twit....

its true...u heard it here first.

Ayla is skipping today...we are gunna do laundry and then hit the mall...gotta get some baby goodies for Mz Maddie that Kelly needs from the city...then I gotta get my kid to buy some damn clothes b4 her emily strange shirt rots off her body completely...and her too tight jeans cut her in half. We havent done this in a while so its time to BOND....or fight in the mall which is the likely outcome haha

Looks like blue sky again today...I like the clear crisp weather right now...the trees on my street are beginning to blossom already....when they are all flowery and lovely it looks like less of a ghetto.
Ayla and I decided if this 1700.00 in childsupport arrears turns up we are using it to MOVE to a better apt! WOOOOHOOOOOO just gotta track down the $ as it is lost etween the US govt and the canadian govt somewhere...has happened before...its quite annoying.

Time to hit the laundry room...

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