Thursday, July 20, 2006

its my friday - break out the L____...

fill in the blank plz....
I know this will be fun!

ok i have 3 days off now...IN A ROW and it is bonerfabulous.

odd thing pictures of my brothers ex girlfriends wedding...she looked beautiful...but i couldnt help but feel serious dagger pangs of sadness for my brother.
wasnt expecting that...
i shall ponder that.

tonight im making cds for donna and margaret...and grooving to sorry but holly mcnarland is HIGHLY under-rated as a canadian musician...
i think she is def. one of my favorite female artists...up there with tori amos...sinead...etc.
sinead singing TROY or a song like DADDY IM FINE makes me it.
gawd i gotta get that cd out now and scare the neighbors.

CANADIAN TIRE....yes not CANADA TIRE...i dunno why i always call that fucking store CANADA TIRE...IM SORRY AYLA! IM SORRY YER MOTHER IS A RETARD.....or wait IS THAT ARTABAN? or would that make me Artabanese...? muhahahahahahha brat.

I have the art of getting ready for work quickly down to an art ensure i can sleep as long as possible...
thats quite unlike me...
im sure come winter ill snap out of it though.
speaking of winter...its fucking hot out...its 10 pm and still 24 Ayla would say *That is GAY to the LORD~*

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