Friday, September 08, 2006

hooch & jesus pens

it amazes me that AVON makes enough money to keep making their crap products to sell....

kelly got me drinking coffee...i am currently making myself a cup of coffee...i am not a coffee drinker but that damn french vanilla creamer crap makes coffee taste somewhat decent. It is likely a phase but man id feel like a grown up if i started drinking coffee fulltime...haha shit maybe ill start smoking too...j/k...if i was gunna become a smoker id pick crack. It looks more fun and its probably cheaper than buying cigarettes in canada.

my dreams lately have become even more fucked up than usual...i blame the drugs. I mean in one i loaded my hooch up like a pez dispenser with large fruits dissolvable vitamins and spent the whole dream periodically checking to see if they were dissolving....WTF is THAT? *shakes head*

Ayla's awake...shes been assigned regular duties...shes in charge of putting all clean dishes away...tidying the house daily and if she leaves her wet towels on the floor or her bed im only letting her dry off with face drives me mad which is why im sure she does it...ive tried ignoring it and pretending i dont care but then i end up picking it up b/c she never will on her own hahaha brat

Laura, I used the dragonfly paper you gave me with the matching pen and the pen is now MY FAVORITEST PEN EVER!!!! ooo its a cheap crap pen but it has the perfect INK and thinkness and everything...wooohoooo I love pens...esp the I HEART JESUS pen cousin kelly gave me 4 work...ohhh yes..... scoop of coffee for one cup? Fuck i used 2 and just made mud coffee...barf

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