Sunday, February 17, 2008

in Iran punk is not dead

omg something is wrong with me....i keep clenching my jaw/teeth and its driving me nuts....

anyway PERSEPOLIS was really was french with english subtitles all about Iran and was really really engrossing...I did not expect a cartoon to be engrossing, as Im not usually a fan of animation for movies but....this was trying to think of ways i can get Ayla and her friends to go see it.

Arika and I had a great day....1st thing I did was ALMOST fall on my face crossing the street which I think jarred me and my bunion enough to make the rest of the day feel WEIRD....

we went to Salad Loop (my new favorite rest.) and I managed to SPRAY oriental sesame dressing all over the floor....I was convinced it would be ME that slipped in it and died, for karmas sake...instead, i left it there in hopes one of the itty bitty asians girls would wipe out. I am a bad person...I dont care.

We went and drooled over the hats and things in the Irish store...I fondled a hat for a while, telling myself spending 70.00 + tax on a hat I was not likely to wear was I just kept fondling it instead.

Arika got herself a funky bag she had been stalking for a year now that it was reduced to 50.00

This made her very happy...

We made out way to the movie...then after hit the freaky deaky dollar store (u know the one Michelle) and I got some paint, pallettttte, etc....

Wandered home and Ayla had 93048598438509345 friends over, which was cool bc they stayed in the bedroom watching superbad.

I ordered them pizza....they ate and eventually left. Was a good night, they werent being jackasses and Ayla thanked me for not being a weirdo...whatever that means.

I have to go read up on aspirin im suspicious its making me feel weird hahahahhaa

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