Monday, May 26, 2008

it's a's a it's a ....

It's a mama jelly fish with babies!!!!!!!
There Adele...see what you have i am out to paint the weirdest shit of all actually gunna glue bog googlie eyes to the mama and little ones on the babies...yeah i know jelly fish have no eyes in real life...screw off.

Went and saw Indiana Jones today, it was entertaining enough, Harrison Ford was good as usual but the effects were kinda gay...
After that we went to pet/puppy mill store and wet ourselves over the chihuahua pups and kittens...I went in there mainly to see the prehistoric squished frogs they had in there but they are all gone now *pout* but the tree frogs were cool...and the humping lizards.
Then, since it was right next door, we went to the ADULT store next door. Miles and miles of porn...midget porn, guy on guy porn, girl on girl porn, girls with weener porn, and other assorted goodies...the sex toy section was great too...rubber vaginas, plug in vaginas, dildos bigger than a man should ever be, a rubber fist like in BORAT (hahahaha)...on and on it went....
Then I came home and BBQ's steaks...Ayla didnt show up to eat but Shawn did so we dined on BBQ steak and brown rice with beans and corn and salad.
Now all i smell is the nutella toast Ayla just made and i want a chocolate bar now. grr

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