Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I feel like horseshit.

I just realized I have to write a column thinger this week...ugh I feel so uninspired to pedal drivel.

Due to my horseshit nature I haven't been up to much outside the house aside from grocery shopping yesterday where some very old man of 75 tried to get me to go out 4 coffee with him....good gawd...what a demoralizing moment...imagining how you are perceived by a 75 yr old that would make him think asking out a female not even 40 might be a good idea?
I think a lot of people think fat ppl are desperate easy targets (and don't u all start going off like maybe he just thought i was cute...piss off, the age gap is WAY too creepily large)...I dunno if I even wanna go back there to shop now since he said he hadn't seen me in a few weeks but has seen me in there a lot before...ok WTF? hahahaha When I shop I am usually wearing headphones and I never make eye contact with anyone b/c I live in a neighbourhood full of gibbles and dont need to make friends...anyway...gawd...!

Tomorrow I have a lotta shit to I am heading downtown no matter how shitty I feel. Tomorrow is Ayla's Jr Prom.
Yeah I dunno wtf Jr Prom is either.
Either way shes getting all tarted up for it, wearing the lovely flapper dress her Aunty Pam bought her last year and it is a big deal. Then she goes camping up in Cowichan for the its gunna be really quiet around here and I gag on whole wheat bagels and spinach...yeah im trying to eat better and its proving to be UNFUN.
I sound pretty fuckng grouchy and miserable for someone on paid vacation hey? What an asshole.

I should stop reading shit like this: CLICK ME

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