Thursday, January 28, 2010


something in my fridge smells SOOOOOOO nasty.....that's what I am doing later today...hunting the smell down and killing it.

interview day hair and skin are co-operating with me fabulously....THANK GAWD

my cats new activity: it has become her mission to pull all the hair out of the bath tub drain...every morning I walk into the bathroom there's is a glob of my hair piled in the tub...thank kitty {eyeroll}

last night donna and i went to the ocean backpacker inn for dinner...they dont have to pay a rest. tax or something b/c they are a hostel and the food is CHEAP (like 6.00 and under for almost everything)...we had curry and it was yummy! alex is the kitchen engineer/cooker chick there and it was good to meet her finally, even though she hugged me and then punched me for saying we have shared a penis. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i will always say something inappropriate, you can rely on me.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

Shared a penis! Way to objectify!

Does your cat get an allowance for cleaning the bathtub drain? Saving you Drano costs?

Conky said...

I shall objectify whenever it is appropriate and trust me this was hahaha

No allowance for the cat, she should be happy she gets fed at all.
She is right now eating my nail file...ugh

Maureen said...

I'm going to find a way to use that line....

Conky said...

hopefully youll NEVER have to lol