Sunday, January 17, 2010

Not So Lucky

Not a bad day yesterday....saw AVATAR again with Tracey & Adrienne....fuckin love that movie...then went to Donna's....admired Dan's bbq sauce burn on his looks like face herpes the poor bastard....some bbq sauce got on his face and it was so hot he couldn't even feel it burning til it was too late.....gawdddddddddd....sick! Then we headed downtown and went to this Vietnamese place..I was sure to not order anything with animal stomach in it....what we did eat was quite good and I will def. go back!

Then we wandered around a bit before going to Lucky to see Start With the Cobra...fuckin love them...especially now that a certain member is no longer a member....the 1st band The Role Models were cool....didn't mind them at all...local guys.....2nd band from Vancouver can please go back there and never return to this island thank you very was like watching an awkward 1st time stripper...painful. Kill me now kinda shit....but then the mighty Cobra was on....omfg they truly kicked our asses....I want my uncle Jimmy to see them!

Then when that was all over we are walking home and about 5 mins into the walk I realize I have lost my cell phone....I know exactly the moment when I did too....I checked the time right b4 we left and thought I slid the phone back into its pocked on my new bag only my new bag is TRICKY!!!! It is actually I larger bag and then a smaller one attached so down the middle of the 2 it FEELS like a pocket BUT it goes right through, no bottom....I think I am a douche and slid it in there and it fell right out the bottom it is on the floor at Lucky, in the dark....and I dunno if anyone will find it....I may have to trip down there tonight if I havent heard anything...I will keep calling it and hope someone wonders why Pearl Jam's BLACK is playing off in the distance....of course once they have music on im fucked b/c no one will hear it....worse case scenario I get another one off for 50 bucks and carry on I guess....and lose all my good ring tones gawd dammit!

So yeah...check out the picture of the native carving...its got a blow job mouth and a vagina! haaaaaa!

Today is laundry day...and Amanda & Erin are coming for a visit to use my computer and dazzle me with their humor and lesbianism...I wonder how many times I will say something is gay and they will pummel me...?

Ryan McMahon has some new tunes up on his FB Fan Page....fuck...that boy has just gotta make it...I am not sure what I will do otherwise.

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