Friday, March 26, 2010


hates hates hates hates hates herself for this all came flooding back to me the moment I stepped out of that hair place why I have not had bangs in 16+ yrs....b/c I do not rock the bangs...i have the shittiest hair for bangs SHITTY SHITTY SHITTY thing wisp fine bald spotted shitty hair...........................................fucking hate making the best of them if going to be a massive challenge b/c short of wearing hats every day until they grow out I am pretty much stuck with them.


i doesnt matter...i really honestly know that but it didnt stop me from becoming weepy this morning in theb athroom trying to do something with them that didnt make me wantto slit my wrists

it doesnt matter

it doesnt matter

ppl are homeless and starving....
ppl are sick with gross diseases, suffering...
land is being polluted and exploited for every penny its worth...
babies are falling down stairs in their 70's walkers...

it doesnt matter...its only hair and it does not define who u are...

it doesnt matter


it doesnt matter......

the best part is its very windy today so no matter what i do with them it wont matter in about 5 seconds after i walk outside and I will be at the mercy of the wind so why the fuck am i torturing myself? i dunno. cuz thats what i do....and well!


Anonymous said...

you're right it doesn't matter, but you're still not buying it are you?

I have worse hair for bangs than hair!

Anonymous said...

I have bangs that hang down past my chin, when I don't have it tied back. I like your approach though. Fuggit. Take it as it comes. I got to ride my bike today without paralysis or a pain level which exceeded my limits. It's all ok. It's all ok. It's all ok.

Mean Red said...

Right...I'm sure between you and Ayla there are some rollers in your apt. When drying your hair, put a big roller in your bangs(it's a fringe to me)and continue with the hairdryer. Spritz with hairspray and comb through after taking the roller out. Hopefully it will help with the shape and cut down on the self loathing.

Anonymous said...

Now I feel bad for cheering on the bangs! :(
Although now I rememeber why I got outta hairdressing. :)