Saturday, February 25, 2006

here I sit....

on a sat. night...the girls are playing a kid trivia game and im laughing bc its the only trivia game where i know most of the answers lol

as i predicted fucktard u know who didnt let his little sprog come over...quite disappointing. I wont ask again and I decided against calling him up and telling him he was a ball-less twat...i guess Im just too indifferent about him personally to bother.
its just a drag cuz his sprog is a lovely girl and really needs a *female* pal...fuckin jerk.
which brings me to my current mental debate that everyone sucks...b/c fucktard started off as someone I thought had some integrity but he certainly doesnt seem to have any now.
I am a pissy judge of character...always have been.

i have tomorrow like to do SOMETHING...what im not sure.

colin's at work *pout*...bruce m has gone out on the town....maureens at the east coast music awards making out with fiddlers i bet...cousin kelly has a sick sprog...shawn is making out with phil i bet (drool)...

on a positive note i got an email from Ryan McMahon today and he was saying hes working hard on getting a date in Vic for mid/late April...i am soooooooo fucking going to see him....its been forever....over a damn year...thats just not right.
the cd release is march 18th but im fairly sure i am working and a trip to vancouver is likely not an option.

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