Sunday, February 26, 2006

Last installment on men with no balls...

let me get this right...
i dont mean to pick on men cuz chicks have no balls either sometimes (not literally speaking of course but in theory)...I think women and men are equally fucked...its a human quality...I just happen to only date men so they infuriate me more.

Kirk...there are good men out there...its just finding the right one for you (well, me, not u, you like girls n boobies and such)......
You did raise a good point about repeating patterns...I thought id broken that pattern by going out with a normal (so to speak) guy with a good job and a family and a brain....fuck that was a waste of time, theyre no better then the weirdos im generally drawn to and appreciate so....I dunno...shit all works out in the end...least no one stabbed thankful!

I think we will go to an imax movie today...I see that u can get a years pass to unlimited imax movies for 40.00 ea....thats 80.00 for Ayla and I....if we saw 4-5 in the year it paid for itself...and i think we would go see ALL of them that come out even if we thought they were gay if we had a pass...I think i may get us the passes.

im back down to one kid in the house...
she ripped her molar our last night...1st molar that fell out in 1 day! she woke up with a loose molar and it was removeable the same day...GROOVY!
I should sell it on ebay.

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