Tuesday, March 14, 2006

LOOK! its a GIANT clam!! muhahahaha

So, tonight I discovered ~as I walked through the crackpipe/needle park near my house ~ that when its windy and big leaves are blowing on the ground it sounds like someones running up behind u....I was armed with a 1 litre plastic jug of chocolate milk and was ready to beat the living fuck out of someone with it hahaha but....it was just leaves.

I weasled my days off thank gawd so I have 2 days to rejuvinate my spirit and get my head together.
Im gunna see a few movies...hang with a few friends...dream about getting a kitten when we move someday...
Im gunna drink chocolate milk too.
I think i will get my haircut too....

I had the most maddening conversation with an australian today...no it was not ZED (hahahaha)...he just would not shut up and let me speak and kept blathering on with his wild theories about how the company is out to get him and make him fail and blahblahblah....
Oooo im sorry sir, I dont recall ever dragging u in here and forcing u at gunpoint to utilize any of the services we offer here....STOP BEING A CRYBABY AND FUCK OFF NOW.

Remember Mr Picture Cropper? You all will be glad to know he redid his ad and has cropped my hair out of the picture HAHAHAHAHAHAHA which makes me think he reads this blog which is somewhat humorous to me...


I Turn My Camera On - SPOON
I Summon You - SPOON

Check it out....Charlie sent me a few tunes and I am digging them...

I am gunna go buy some bras at sears.com
Nighty Night Freaks.

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