Thursday, January 25, 2007

ha HA ha HA ha HA ha

omfg im all about the mind fuck...

today after the phone call about someone telling me Ms Know It All was quitting w/o notice very soon I got to work and decided on the walk there that i wasnt going to let her run the show so ... I handed her paper nad a pan and told her i knew she was quitting so she needed to write me a letter with a date so i could change the schedule and get her off of it...she looked FUCKING HORRIFIED!!!!! it was awesome....she asked me how i knew and i told her one of her friends at another store told me hahahah

So b4 she was off shift she handed me a typed up letter dated for tomorrow that she wasquitting due to below average work conditions....?? We discussed the fact that the job just was not for her...and she agreed and went on her merry way and we all talked shit about her all night and cheered bc we are FREEEEEEEEEE woooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

man she was a buzzkill that chick....we are so frikkin relieved...

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