Saturday, February 10, 2007

excuse me, do you have any gray POUPON?

As IF I was up at 7 am like a friggin work day....

Either way I have reorganized my bathroom, vacuumed and all that crap by 9 am (I am sure the neighbors LOVED the hum of my vacuum this morning)...

Some gay TV show is on about pissy travelling ppl who are too BIG for 1 seat so they are made to buy 2...or ppl with turtles demanding they be able to take turtles on a
NOTE TO SELF: dont ever work 4 an airline as a customer service person, its too similar to what i do now.
NOTE TO SELF #2: don't fly until u drop 100 lbs.
Ppl get right heated about money.

Yesterday I spent a very long and agonizing 15 mins trying to explain to some mentally compromised person that JUST b/c u get your taxes done you do not get your GST Refund back in one chunk inc. in your tax refund, it is spread out over the following year in quarterly installments...."Oooooo no no no I get it all back at once" thinking wtf planet do u fucking live on that you get to be the only fucking canadian that gets GST credit once a year, all at once...Fuck off.

Oh now there is a drunk guy trying to board a plane...and now a passenger with bad BO....this show is GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Anyhoo....Guy was up late fighting repugnican christian fascist idiots til 330 am so he is coming at noon rather than 10 am....yeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

There is a great need for me to grocery shop today...gawd forbid we are out of cheese and Ayla will certainly STARVE to death w/o cheese in the fridge...

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