Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A Love Letter

don't u feel like a conquering genius when u ram a q-tip (yeah i no yer not supposed to) into your ear and get some gawd awful wax thats been hiding from you for ages?

i do...its like i just won the war or something, the war of ear wax.

armed daily with cotton swabs and warm shower water, ready to reek havoc on the evil terrorist ear wax.
im down to 4 fingernails now...4 on the left...thats it...sighhhhh
time to start over.
even though i hate manager meeting days im glad to not be at work b/c i fucking hate work right now...i hate being nice to stupid ppl all day long...day in and day out...ppl think b/c u provide them a service it entitles them to be a dumb ass mother fucker and then when they dont get their way they can call u names and have a hissy fit like a 3 yr old and then go to head office to whine to them to get coupons and a letter of apology...and apology...thats right.

Dear Mr Asswipe
I am so terribly sorry you are an immature fucktard and were too stupid to read the 3 required pieces of information required to obtain the service you were wishing to get from our company.
Even though I explained it 45 times the fact that u refused to shut up long enough to listen to me or absorb the info i was giving made it impossible to please your spoiled sissy ass.
I am sure you yelling at me and calling me names and offending half a dozen ppl in the lobby plus all the staff more than entitles that you get these coupons and this letter of apology, in fact im willing to bet NOW that you know being a cunt in a public place can reep such rewards u will carry on being a cunt the rest of your life.
Until then please be sure to come back into my store where I can mutter cocksucker mother fucker under my breath as I speak to you with a fake smile as you speak to me like I am some sort of servant to you.
Your everloving sodomizer,

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