Monday, April 09, 2007

mouth breather Jen

I have a head cold....

but at least I'm not at work right? RIGHT?!
That is me being an uncharacteristic optomist. ha!

So despite my sickliness I have discovered the game CLUE. i haven't ever played it b4 and lemme tell you what I've learned playing CLUE with my kid. SHE IS THE DEVIL! Oooo her cunning manipulative nature makes me swoon with pride and glowing happiness and at the same time makes me pee in my pants a little. I of course created a little Jen System to track who had what etc and it lead me to realize Ayla was MUCHO FREAKY DEAKY I'm on to her now and actually won a game woot woot!

She has been a SPECTACULAR PEST to me whilst here at aunty pams...its like shes trying to get me in trouble with pam so she bugs and bugs and hits me and bugs and follows me and nags me and cries wolf 100x and on and on....I think they are seeing a little bit of what shes like when they aren't around finally...being that she is the devil and all.

Went and hung out with my mom for 4 hours was your typical visit:

She talked about herself and her job the whole time
She made me go into her sewing room and pick through her boxes and boxes worth of CRAP

She tried making me take home an iron but I refused cuz I have one but now I wish I took the electric knife instead
That is it.
She didn't inquire about me, Ayla or anyone else....I guess I should be glad she didn't hand me a mu mu she sewed for me though so.....I did manage to weasle a few towels out of her and she was bascially pleasant so im not complaining.
I just blew my nose and I swear in the Kleenex there was something that resembled an early pregnancy....much like the thing the other day that I blew outta my nose in the shower and it startled me b/c it kinda went THUD when it hit the bottom of the tub.
Ohhh I love booger talk.
I am gunna get me some good drugs today...the coma kind so I'm not up peeing 6x a night.

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