Monday, July 16, 2007

pass the diapers please

This is my new sofa...that is not me on it though in case you thought i just lost a lot of weight....aunty pam treated me to a sofa...didnt you all know she was independently wealthy??
haha I gotta say I have the best auntys in all the world....they are always treating me to great stuff that I wouldnt bother investing in myself (new couch etc) ~ they more than make up 4 my non-maternal mother....THANK YOU AUNTY C & P! You bitches are da BOMB haha I love ya.
Ayla is home n reeking her usual havoc....
Maggie loaned us her Nintendo 64 so Ayla and I have MARIO KART WARS like nobodies business...i fucking love that game, im not much of a gamer...totally uncoordinated...but its soooooo much fun!
Ohhhh I better go...i think im hemmoraghing...hemmroging....bleeding to death

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