Saturday, October 20, 2007

fuck you gawd

holy shit...literally.

there is this gal i used to know when i lived in PR...she was raised catholic but our kids played ball together so i never held it against her (haha)...anyway...out of the friggin blue i get this email from her with this giant quote about god (as her email signature)...and she asks me if i prefer facebook for email or my home address...

so i tell her i prefer whatever mail wont include the god crap.

she writes me back and asks me what i think happens when u die so I say this:

when we are dead I think we are dead.
thats it.
so while u are here do all the good you can and love a lot of ppl...cuz once your dead you are dead.

and dont think i havent pondered this much, I have...I would like there to me *more* but I cant wrap my head around the possibility.
to me it isnt logical....b/c im faithless after all.

so while I dont begrudge you or anyone for doing whatever it is in life that makes u feel whole and happy it is not what works for me....
and i admit it irritates me when i think ppl think im an unfortunate, sad case merely b/c I dont buy into organized religion....

thats my spiel 4 the day...and its not even SUNDAY haha

and this is the shit I get back:

Ok, thanks for sharing all of that with me, I appreciate your honesty.

So there is nothing I can do, say, share, show you to maybe change your mind? You are totally closed off to the possibility that there may be something to the claims of half the population of the world that there IS something other than ourselves out there and that once we're dead, we're dead?

I don't necessarily feel sad or sorry for you... With what I believe about the world, now and the after life, I fear for you - that's more like it I guess. Because JEN... what if what I (and many others) believe IS correct? What happens to people like you then? Wouldn't it make more sense for all of us to do what is asked of us by our Creator in the hopes to live forever with God than to not take any of it seriously and end up burning in the fires of hell (which is not exactly a place with fire or whatever, it's just a state of being that is extremely painful and torturous) for all eternity? Just a thought...

Also, if you believe that we are here to do good and love one another - YOU'RE HALF WAY THERE JEN!!! God asks us to love him and others as he loves us. That is the main "thing" when it comes to God. You already do most of it.... Why not take that leap to loving God also? It's not hard. It's easy! He created you and loves you more than you could ever imagine... NO JOKE!!!

I do not "do" religion and/or God to make me whole and happy... and neither does anyone else (I wouldn't think) we love God because that is what we were made to do - ALL OF US, AND THAT INCLUDES YOU MY DEAR! We were created in God's image and likeness and there is a "hole" inside of all of us that only God can fill. When we accept God and that void becomes filled, then happiness and wholeness comes automatically. People who reject God will often substitute him for alcohol, drugs, sex, food, shopping - they try and fill the void with "things" and it never works... I know - I was there, for many, many years.

Anyway Jen, I care about you and love you as a "creation" of God and I want all my brothers and sisters (which includes you!) to know and love and worship God - HE DESERVES THAT!!!

Don't take offense PLEASE to anything I have shared, that is not the intention whatsoever...

now i wanna burn her cocksucking church down...b/c its like shes on a mission to RECRUIT for god or something and i resent the shit out of it.
maybe i will sick GUY on her....hey guy...draft me up a response would ya...fuckin hell...i hate ppl.

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