Thursday, November 08, 2007


ok that movie freaked me out....
i am amazed that a human can torture another human and not feel like a fuckwad.

behind us this couple parked themselves and did the most annoying shit through the 1st half of the movie...
1st off they were eating a fucking movie theatre....WTF? inbred much? and the pistachios were in the noisiest bag on the didnt stop there....after the fucking pistachio orgy they ate apples.
yes folks....APPLES.
who the fuck eats apples at a movie? despite the fact its weird APPLES ARE NOT QUIET FOOD!!!!!!!!! top it all off....they cracked out juice boxes....mmmm straw sounds...over and over and over....
my gawd...i was about to lose my mind.

back to manners school for those turds.
Shawn made it to Arizona and im sure is basking in the warmth I bask in the dreariness that is west coast fall/winter...

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