Thursday, May 15, 2008

a random extravaganza of nothing

it was hot out today...and it struck me that once again summer is nearly here and I did not get skinny AGAIN over winter.

this butt shot is for Guy's enjoyment

I used to work here one was the most miserable summer -1989- i was drunk and on acid the whole summer bc in lake louise there is nothing else to do.

Sadly i was too fucked up to remember anyones name so i cant stalk them on facebook.


Homer has the right idea...rather than me stressing about summer weather attire ill just get a few mumu's and look like a clone of my mother.

I would not eat eye balls...even fried.

Another shot for Guy. (He is fond of girl's bums)

i swear to gawd this is me all summer at front of a fan

a little gay porn to mix shit up

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