Saturday, July 26, 2008

Recovery Fest 101

You know you're old when u are recovering form a week of work rather then being at the Pemberton Festival as you would have been 20 yrs before regardless of the work week you had experienced.

I am not fond of festivals....after Lollapolooza nothing could entice to me attend one...esp one you have to camp at.

Well ~ here I am...I am not a non MM employee and thrilled but at the same time so bagged I can hardly enjoy it.
I think I have actually made myself a little ill...Ive slept damn near all day, missing phone calls and such...
I am listening to The Wall, remembering how much I fucking love this album.
I hope the old broads like it upstairs too.

Ive pretty much just slept all day...and puttered around...
Last night a big ass clicky flying beetle got in here and the cat was going insane and I didnt know why...i kept chasing her off things not knowing she was trying to get it...(good kitty!!!) so then when I SAW IT i near shit bc i friggin hate unpredictable flying insects like that....I used the broom to try to get it so the cat could catch it but i ended up whacking it into an area i couldnt see into and i wasn't gunna go looking but at the same time i was on high freak alert cuz i thought it was gunna get me....
Eventually I saw it again and broomed it and the cat got it and messed with it, rendering it half dead...wasn't gunna fly again and thats all that mattered.
That was my big adventure of the night.

I didnt get to tell anyone to fuck off at work on friday night sadly....i was looking....its all i ever wanted to do in 4.5 of course when i get the go ahead would anyone be confrontational with me??? OF COURSE NOT!!!!!! Dicks

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