Sunday, October 12, 2008


ive been fighting off a migraine since Friday...that weird groggy state where u are drugged, overslept and feel like you are looking at life through foggy glasses is a weird place.

last night i watched a weird but delicious austrailian film (Reuben's favorite movie of all time).... CLICK HERE
Guy, im mailing u and Donna a copy shortly....u gotta see this.
Then we watched some youtube classics...the public access Let's Paint guy...who became unglued at his rude callers...some retard kid pretending he had a cooking show etc
Then some weird mexican film with circus was a menagerie of splendid weirdness...

i wandered home and was wide awake bc i had a 3-4 hour nap that afternoon...
i have to go drink water....i think im dehydrated....

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