Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hump Day!

Today I am off work and have an appt to go get my photo taken for my bus pass....yes im super excited to have my fat face forever plastered on my bus pass i have to flash around daily....gag.

This week at work I was ODA...On Duty Assessor...which makes u the dumping ground for all sorts of when the MLA's call or write about a student freaking b/c their student loan takes so long you get to answer them and tell them if the student didnt want such a delay then dont apply on August 28th when your school start date is Sept 2....IDIOTS!

Aunt Flo is coming to visit soon....which is making me really short tempered and irritable....just ask the ppl who live in this house. I am a cranky ninja.
Someday im gunna rip my uterus/ovaries out with salad tongs and be done with the whole fucking process....

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