Friday, January 16, 2009

grilled cheese

Hopping Friday night here...had a grilled cheese sandwich, changed the cat litter box, vacuumed...yeah I am hard core bitches...don't u forget it. Ever.

After I clean the bathroom and sort laundry I am gunna hunker down with a movie and kiss this week good-bye.

On the up side I may have my flex day changed to a Monday soon (Flex days: you work an extra 50 mins each day so that every second week you get an extra day off, currently I have every 2nd Wednesday off...getting a Monday or a Friday would kick ass)...sadly the regular boss is back from vacation next week so it will be the count down (2-3 wks) waiting to see if she becomes permanent or gets replaced by someone else. It has been really nice with the person who covered for her while she was away....makes you realize how nice it COULD be....sighhhhh.

This plans...I am fiddling with a co-works computer tomorrow morning...but aside from that NO PLANS...except laundry and I should get my next column done...I am feeling VERY uninspired.

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