Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Work is so awesome today I just peeled all the dead skin off my finger from when I burned it the other day....super fun.
I gotta say I feel bad 4 deaf ppl, not just b/c they're deaf but b/c of that hideous form of telephone communication they have to try and make useful.
Whenever I get a call from an operator for whateverthefuck that service is called for the hearing impaired I die inside b/c it takes FOREVERRRRRRRR and its really awkward and they never shut up quite honestly, making it an absolute nightmare...a regular 5 min call takes 30 mins.  I decided if I was deaf I would likely be a friggin mental recluse b/c the process of calling someone to make a plan would kill my soul. I swear I would be EMAIL ONLY as a deaf person. lol
All I can taste is the disgusting green onion in my egg salad sandwich today...green onion or onions raw in any sandwich is PUTRID. It completely ruined my egg salad experience today. RUDE!!
After my talk yesterday about trying to smarten up I went home and ate fish sticks and potatoes for supper.  That's right...fish sticks and potatoes. SUPER HEALTHY. The key to not fucking up is clearly being prepared and having a plan in place for the week, ensuring you have all you need to make specific meals so u don't resort to fishsticks...so im gunna try that...sit with Ayla and decide what we will have every night for dinner...shop accordingly and see how that goes...maybe involving her will make her more likely to HELP too...
Now my finger hurts....I wish I had my Jesus BandAids here.... ~pout~
Ohhh the workers are here to tear down the pubicles...wooohooo we are moving upstairs this month so all our stuff is going with us...omfg I hate who I am next to once we move...SOOOO IRRITATED...its making me consider taking a different shittier spot just so im not near the person...

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