Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oscar Night

Thank you Sean Penn for using your Oscar speech time to shame the hateful bastards of California for denying equal rights for all ppl, gay or straight...and for calling your new president elegant and not black.

I think I might be in full love with Mr Penn. Seriously...when he told the voters of California that they have shamed their grandchildren with their bigoted behaviour I near squealed with delight.

I watched the Oscars from 530-900 and I didn't even get bored...ok I got a little bored listening to the slumdog millionaire speeches over and over again but...whatever.
And I was tickled that Kate Winslet won best actress b/c I have a girl crush on her.

Work tomorrow...We will be up on the 3rd floor finally so I will be able to get settled in and made my new pubicle home.
Saturday was a write off...I had one of them headaches...bad enough to kill a donkey...rendered me fairly useless so I had a lot to do today...its hard cramming all that crossword puzzle time into such a busy day.

Went to Elk Lake with Donna and Arika and Dugan the pooch, strolled around while swam and fetched his ball...he is the funniest dog...his silliness made us all laugh all afternoon. Look at him...he is such a character! --->

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