Sunday, September 06, 2009


It is a remarkable feeling to have someone you love - for the 1st time ever - pour their feelings out to you with raw honesty. You can taste the trust in the air when this happens. Even through their anger, sadness & hopelessness you can see the light that will come from the exchange and it helps you guide their tender selves towards it. You can't fix it by any means but it is such a healthy step, regardless of how it came about, that while you lay heartbroken in your bed reliving all your choices and decisions you know that this admission and ultimate release of festering rage will only help in moving past it...freeing that someone of a lifetime of pain a lot sooner than you yourself were able to move past it.

Needless to say I was up very late last night and it feels like I was at a kegger this mind is going to reel today, scrambling to process...dissect it all 100x over...put a game plan together...what a shift...a complete shift.

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