Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I lurve ham.
Salty pink goodness.
(that sounds dirty)
I just ate a fabulous ham sandwich for lunch...and little black favorite.

I get to babysit Shawn on Sunday after his hernia operation...I hope he wont be asking me to hold his penis for him as he pees again.

Tattoo is flakey and molty still...I like it more everyday is so dark on my fish belly colored arm it looks like someone went ape shit with a fancy rubber stamp and ink.

Z-Man has a new music project on the go and I must say the jam bits I got to hear last night were fucking amazing...and I really hope it takes off as a band b/c it is kick ass.....

Ohhhh sweet jesus....tomorrow is gunna be such a kick...seriously all of us laid off peons are sitting back with snacks and watching the foreworks...b/c we expect HIGH DRAMA. I think i will bring plums and rice cakes haha
Guy is right, the state of unions is pretty insulting for all those ppl who fought tooth and nail for their existence...I am pretty sure that the union movement did not intend for unions to protect cry baby whiny assholes who use the union as a shield to be lazy and stir the pot at work.

It's hump day again and here I am humpless again on wednesday...this must come to an end...i need a permanent available hump at my disposal...that's all there is to doesn't seem like so much to expect out of life. I think I am going to start being bold and brazen as shit to men I meet on the street who smile at me...that will teach them for being friendly to horny fat girls in public.

OMG....the gross video store embarrassment date guy from a month ago...OMFG...he is still sending me nasty msgs calling me its so fucking amusing...that will teach me for being nice and avoiding being a mean bitch...i shoulda told him straight up he was disgusting and putrid and embarrassing (U know its bad if someone embarrasses ME with their public behaviour)...b/c being nice and not making him about him clearly didn't work hahahaha

FOR THE RECORD: my apologies to the Lesbians Across the effing Street who called me out on my use of the GAY word...I have been trying..i have but not hard enough apparently b/c they busted me in my own damn blog for using I have to step up my efforts to avoid their wrath!!!!! SO GO AHEAD AND SHAME ME NOW U ANGRY LESBIANS!! GO AHEAD!!!!!!!!

(Note: if u read the use of gaylordfocker that is me avoiding using the term GAY hahaha)

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