Monday, November 16, 2009


Well, thank gawd that is over. Job interviews are not usually the end of my world...I don't get too effed up over them aside from the normal discomfort of having to be social in general...and committing fakery (let's face it, it's all pure fakery)...fakery is a quality I despise and when I am socially forced to commit it I hate myself but...such is life...the nature of the beast. This interview was quick (makes me slightly suspicious that they already have their minds made up...?) and I wasn't asked any questions pertaining to how my previous skills may relate to the ones required for this position. I had questions though, one being TRAINING.

My short time in gov't has taught me one't doesn't train you for shit. Sadly, for this position there is NO will be walking into it virtually blind, u will get a few mornings of ppl sitting with you and yep, you pretty much are left flailing. I have absolutely no doubt I could do this job (glorified secretary) even without training I will pick it up and own it but...I am not gunna cry if Jim or the other person going for it gets it AT fact I called Jim and gave him a heads up about how to prepare and told him to DO WELL PLEASE GAWD PLEASE DO WELL AND GET THE JOB haha

**I was informed that the other person interviewing went before me and I think they picked him already which is why my interview was short and honestly he would be way better suited for this position so unless Jimmy blows him outta the water i think Terry's got it...WHEW!**

With that over with I can concentrate on my company, travels and such for my next week off...

woohooo! I hope Ayla isn't a raging EMO kid the whole trip up island....gawd...I am gunna make her have fun even if it kills me! The driving will kill her I am sure but...whatever....for as often as we do stuff like this she can suck it up! IT WILL BE FUN GAWD DAMMITTTT!!! {insert freak out crazy face here}

Sushi on Saturday was yummy...I forgave Shawn for being late b/c he actually 100% completely forgot, he wasn't just late b/c he was being willy nilly etc. I was pretty PO'd at him at 1st though...but I get older I don't have the same energy for staying mad at ppl as I used to have...this is not a bad thing. Plus he fixed my MP3 player issue...haha YAY! I needed to get my rockabilly tunes on there to explore how I feel about that genre of music...

The Wii is FUN....I played Mario Kart last night...It is tough not using a toggle to steer TOAD to victory! Haha OK so there wasn't a lot of victory...just a few fluke victories! I traditionally suck at video games but they are fun...and it gets Ayla out of her bedroom!!!!

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