Wednesday, March 02, 2011


in POWELL RIVER b/c the wind is too horrible 4 the ferry to run....

i invented a new term....
u know how black ppl talk 'ebonics'...

Ebonics is a term that was originally intended to refer to the language of all people descended from enslaved Black Africans, particularly in West Africa, the Caribbean, and North America. Over time, and especially since 1996, it has been used more often to refer to African American Vernacular English (distinctively nonstandard Black United States English), asserting the independence of this from (standard) English. The term became widely known in the U.S. in 1996 due to a controversy over its use by the Oakland School Board.

Well the way gay ppl talk is 'gaybonics'...
Shawn speaks GOOD gaybonics.

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