Saturday, November 30, 2013

Twinkling lights and a spinning record...

Met up with Aunty Pam and Uncle Jimmy for dinner at a pub and some music bingo Pam was our tables personal karaoke the table only...not into a mic thank gawd.

Haven't heard from Mary all day...makes me nervous about Kori's condition. Cannot help but be on high alert about that, it is a delicate situation. 37 is young but I am not finding his young age giving me much comfort...
Kori & Mary
Kori had a mechanical valve put in his heart about 10 yrs ago (due to a birth defect) - since then he has been on blood thinners to avoid clots...the stroke he had this week they figure was a valve has affected the right
side of his brain leaving his left side paralyzed. That is permanent though with years of rehab and such some ppl regain some of that but it is too early to know right now how that will play out. At one point he was somewhat alert and talking a bit....but his brain kept swelling so they had to do an emergency operation to remove a piece of his skull to relieve pressure on the brain...the piece of skull is not he is bandaged with a hole in his skull...the operation and 1 day in a coma did the trick...last night Mary said he was talking better than before, cracked a joke or 2, recognized everyone...such a relief to know that that part of his brain is still there and good thus far...the fear now is more clots b/c they cannot give him blood thinners when he has a damn piece of skull removed...

Mary is hanging in there...scared shitless of course but getting things done...working on stuff she needs to work on while being there for sounds like Kori will be hospitalized for well over 6+ mths possibly a year...she has dibs on A's room while she is gone so that will hopefully be a source of comfort not having to worry about where to stay here since they live about 1.5 hrs away in Nanaimo. Cedar is with his aunt and uncle (he is 5) and has no concept of what is really going on...he thinks he is on the longest, most fun sleepover ever...poor little bug. Going to be a hard road for all 3 of them.

Kori & Cedar
Really hoping for the best possible the meantime I am educating myself about strokes and trying to be positive and hopeful.

This week was a bad week for my old Powell River friends...Mark lost his battle with cancer after 10+ years...we fell out of touch when I moved to Victoria but he was a good man, very sad loss for his kids, family and friends.

Miss A has landed in California and is safe in her grandparents house tonight...relief relief mind is spinning like mad right now...with more than 1 thing to worry and fret over it is busy and muddled in my my next life I want more hair and better coping skills please and thank you.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

I hope for the best for your friend. His young age will be a factor in his recovery and, as you are no doubt finding out in your stroke research, the brain is an amazingly resilient organ.

Good luck keeping your shit together while A is away!

Conky said...

Thanks Barb! xo