Friday, January 27, 2006

fresh n crisp like...newly dead cooked bacon

I went to bed early and dreamt of weirdo stuff all night long...having dragged out physical fights with priests, trying to catch cats that escaped from where I was housesitting, work pamphlets in the holders wrong and not knowing how to arrange them right prior to an audit (oh the shame)...

I can't seem to post pictures...I think I finally get why ppl complain about blogger...after this header issue and now the picture thing im irritated. 

Shit its FRIDAY....WOOOOHOOOOOOO despite the impending preteen birthday sleepover I will be enduring Sat night I am looking fwd to the weekend of no work... I plan to read a lot...
Question of the day: If you were in the witness protection program and had to change your name what would u change it to??

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