Tuesday, January 10, 2006

we all know someone...

I am tired... I have been thinking too much. Thinking is rarely a good thing when done with wild abandonment. In my next life I want to be mildly retarded (er) so I can just smile all the time and not worry about trivial shit. I shouldn't assume the mildly retarded have no worries but...I am ignorant to their plight so...there. Maybe I would prefer to be medicore retarded...a step down from severely, just to ensure I was not going to worry about too much. In my next rant I'd like to cover the topic of men who beat women... It is my pet peeve of the day...esp. when said women are pregnant and have invested their whole being and future into this idiot moron, only to have it all ripped away from them in the form of being forced to make some hard choices no one likes to make in life... I am so incredibly disappointed for someone close to me that I think I would stab the guy in the balls if I lived close enough to stroll over to his house. My leper whisker burn is pretty much healed now...now I have the ol BLOW YER NOSE TOO MUCH LOOKING NOSE...sexy bitch, I know. I think about where I will be when I die too often...I play it out in my head...the possible scenario...where it would happen...how ungracefully I would fall down and likely take some poor crowd of bingo ladies down with me...or a baby stroller...the possible seizure...the bodily function evacuation...would my eyes be open or closed? would my tongue slip out of my mouth like my poor cats did when he was put to sleep? Death is not a glamorous business. How long would it take for flies to start buzzing around my corpse? Do the funeral ppl do nasty things to the bodies before cremation? I think they do...I will not be persuaded to think otherwise. I am sleepy. I am having a nap b4 work....its 848 am...hahahaha

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