Saturday, April 29, 2006

dont look a gift horse in the....

so u may all recall the ODD things my mother sends here every so often...come on, how could u forget the used deodorant she sent in my birthday parcel...??
so the easter parcel arrived today at work...i was a little scared to open it at work b/c i knew something weird and unexplainable would be in it...

for the most part it was all fine...
perfumes/jammies/lip gloss for ayla...
etc etc
olive oil for me...perfume...soaps etc...then I pull this out...this was a thrift store find obviously but i am curious as to WHY she thinks Ayla or I need such a shirt...we arent highway flaggers...we dont work on an airport runway...we arent handicapped and ride a bike with a flag/hockey helmet...
oh well it makes for good stories if nothing else...I just shake my head. Funny duck.

OTHER ODD PRESSIES FROM MA: under the xmas tree - douches, tampons, individually wrapped socks, granny underwear, etc

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