Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Birthing Pod Day

im really ticked that i just nattered on forever and blogger ate the fucking post.
jerk off

my sprog made me brekky this morning...fruit salad and hashbowns/eggs mixed up with cheese on top....mmmmm good grrl...then she was a super good chick and was gone most of the day so I got lots of packing/crap done.

i did my good deed of the year and called my mother today...was all going along quite well until she started talking about my brother and how he would be 29 this month...ummm yeah mom ~ that would be 30 actually...he was born in 1976.
Dont get me started...

survivor was good...loved the super burn aras got from shane re: his mooching off his dad HAHAHAH HAHAHAHA gawd that stung i bet.
i turfed out butt ugly desk chair out into the garbage today so im sitting on a WOOD chair...
it will def. make me even more uninclined to be on the computer much...

erica is back from her european adventures...poor grrl, has to return to work tomorrow...ugh!
but hey! at least she met a nice boy in the UK and got laid! THATS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT RIGHT? men with accents? ha!

im still howling over the photoshop funny business hahahaha omfg my teeth look fucking huge to me...and gawd damn its scary hahaha


LAURA!! >>>>>>>>>

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