Wednesday, June 21, 2006

a chatty bloke

ok he isnt scottish ~ hes do i know...u would think someone like me who gets such a hard on over men with accents would be better at distinguishing between them...
anyhow...he's a sassy one, i think he will be fun....could make for a uber fun summer.
when i asked him if hed ever been arrested for offenses against goats he had a witty comeback so...thats a good sign.

ayla's new cell phone arrived today...youd think she just won the lotto, it is a bit jealous. haha
im glad she paid for it all on her own...all 113.00 of it....

today was one of those grueling days...the ones u think u may die if it doesnt end...i have tomorrow off thank the goddess...then work friday and have the weekend off...gawd help me...i am really looking fwd to it...
Ayla and her Posse (sp haha im such a nerd) are going to a Much Music Video Dance Party this Saturday...
I have no plans except to tiddle my room up and DO NOTHING but NOTHING! woot woot!

There was another murder in the neighborhood....oddly enough it was in a bldg we looked at while trying to find a place...wouldnt that just be fucked up...moving from one murder scene to another....ugh

1st day of summer. bah!

the landlady is coming to TOUR the apt tomorrow....i bet ill get shit 4 the shelves i put up hhahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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