Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Jen needs....

ok this totally fucking cracked me up lol i swear i didnt make any of these up hahahaha

google, for example "Jen needs" and look at the ADVICE u get hahaha but do it with your own name...some of the stuff is bang on which is quite disturbing haha

Jen needs to be a My Little Pony ~~wtf hahahahaha

Jen needs a break

Jen needs to have a session or two with a therapist ~~ tried that for yrs, didnt really help much

Jen needs your help

Jen needs someone to love her as much as she loves them ~~ i may vomit

Jen needs ink ~~ i do want to expand on the tattoo i have….

Jen needs a new gun ~~ hahahaha

Jen needs to find a self righteous, conspicuous “I’m better than you” charitable position so she can keep charming the sheep into thinking she matters ~~ HAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is my favorite one!

Jen needs to hook up with MATTHEW McCONAUGHEY!!!! ~~ twist my rubber arm!

Jen needs to visit a psychiatrist and possibly have a lobotomy. ~~ and SOON!

Jen needs to get back to the hospital immediately~~ im worried now, there is a theme

Jen needs to just move on for her sake

Jen needs to hook up with Clooney ~~ again with the rubber arm

Jen needs a better looking man ~~very untrue….id hump anything so long as i liked him hahahaha

Jen needs to get some more sun and a hair cut. ~~ well i did get my hair cut hahahahahahaha and well im waiting for pasty as a corpse to become a FAD!!!!

Jen needs to convince herself that warm weather isn’t so bad ~~ hahahaha

Jen needs to go completely crazy!

Jen needs to pack on twenty pounds ~~of make-up maybe hahahahaha

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