Sunday, March 25, 2007

Being unpopular...

...I often ponder things about myself, trying to pinpoint the moment in time when a certain synapses occurred and made me a particular way.

For the most part its impossible to pinpoint these moments, but it is interesting exploring your memories.

Memories can be very unreliable though. I doubt my own a lot. I have often gone to others for their recollection so I can be assured my own memory was somewhat accurate. When emotions play into your memory sometimes you remember the emotion and less about the details. Perception is everything after all. i have seen it repeatedly, talk to 3 ppl about the same event and get 3 different stories, usually somewhere in the middle of all 3 is the truth of it...whatever truth is.
Truth is defined as:

1. the true or actual state of a matter
Pretty cut and dry hey?

For some things it is...for matters of the heart truth tends to be different for everyone.
I saw 300 today (sorry Guy, I couldn't wait 4 ya)...visually stunning...fab story...a few moments of cheese...boner worthy fighting and gore...more abs then you have ever seen in your life...but when it was done I wished I went to see the shark one...cuz I knew id walk outta the shark movie fired up and pissed off....and feeling like I had to save every shark in the world.

In 300 though I will say the nipples in the movie were kinda weird....not the men's...but the women's...the Oracles in all know from past blatherings I detest puffy nipples...but this Oracle, gawd she has these weirdo fucking looking was so distracting...I kept trying to identify what it was that was so ODD about them...they were just yukky.
My uterus is writhing in utter despair at the i am going to knock it out...not literally...although there is some imagery id like to explore.

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