Sunday, January 27, 2008

blasted snow

These are in no order whatsoever so just deal with it.
This is at BIG BAD JOHNS....the place is funny, bras hanging stapled to the ceiling among other various oddities.
My guests from the UK, Laura and Gavin, enjoyed the free peanuts you get there and then tossing the shells on the floor...and you see that rubber chicken hanging there? The whole place is rigged so that each table has a THING that can be dropped via fishing line by the bartender so when this rubber chicken came down right next to Gavin's face Laura and I near peed our pants b/c the look on his face was so excellent....contorted with fear. HA HA HA

Notice the dear is wearing a tie...

Gavin & Laura

Maddie's BUS RIDE to Hillside Mall!!!!

Gavin in Wal-Mart looking for long johns.

Maddie looking spastic!

Laura and Gavin in the circus mirrors!

Maddie stalking the cat.

The cat secretly loved all the attention.

Cousin Kelly in her cool Kelly hat!

If only adults could get as much joy out of toppling a tower of creamos in restaurants.

Sleepy Maddie and her mouse friend.
Mongoloid Gavin

This is the most disturbing RONALD MCDONALD picture of all if someone in marketing thought this was OK!???

Gav & Laura
Was a great week having Laura and Gavin here, I only wish I had some time off while they were here. We did manage to get out one night for Noodle Box dinner and Big Bad John's beer.
They were on a budget anyway so its not like we were gunna go out a lot anyway.
They have had a fabulous trip so far...started off in China, Thailand, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Peru etc then to the US, up the west coast to Vancouver and Vancouver Island...Now they are gone south to Calif. again and will make their way east over the next few months to New York/East Coast... then will end their trip in Florida in June and head home.
You can check out some of their amazing photos and travel blog here.
Then with Kelly and Maddie here for a night it was a good week full of good people.
I am tired now.
More later.

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