Sunday, April 06, 2008

New Digs

Well...moving was hideous but thankfully Aunty Pam was there or I would still be dragging shit in here by myself.
Shawn refers to her as THE LUMBERJACK b/c he swears she basically just let him appear as if he was helping move the couch hahahaha
I have decided the next move I am bucking up and paying ppl to move my shit.
I have an idiotic amt of crap, just ask Pam...
So I dont have the new shelves completely sorted or things on the wall yet but its coming together.
Tomorrow I am at work and the bldg owner is coming in here to do some shit - he is a nosey motherfucker so the manager is coming in to make sure he doesnt snoop...also the cat will be outta the bag. I cant handle the HIDING thing so im leaving the cat out, and bc its in my contract already he cant kick me out. I do hope however that he wont INSIST I pay a pet deposit...that would suck ass.
When I look out at the these mountains I wave at Michelle B and GOB!!

Monkey is still ruler of the room

In case you have never seen my

Thank you Aunty Cathy!

I can not escape these hideous cupboards in this city...

Ayla's redrum room

I love my new shower curtain even though it has no frogs on it

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