Friday, June 20, 2008

Thank Jennifer it 's Friday

I have a job interview this morning before is not going to pay enough but I thought I would go just for the practice...its been quite some time since I have been on a job interview after all...and I am a lot smarter now than I was 5 yrs ago.

Kitty is bouncing back finally...shes eating a little more and has finally started acting like a cat again. This morning she jumped into the tub after my shower and lapped up the drain water like pre-accident Kitty would have so that is AWESOME!

Because I have been letting her do whatever she wants this week she now thinks she owns all counter tops...ugh
I had cat food strategically placed all over the house so whenever she felt like it she could nibble hahahaha now I have to go find it all.

OMFG Matthew Good is here in a week SQUEEEEEEEL!

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