Wednesday, December 17, 2008

as if

today i was sitting on the couch, the cat was laying behind me on the back of the I reach backwards to get her and as im picking her up awkwardly i drop her on my head, taking her back paw on my face....from my nose down to my bottom lip...not just on the outside of my lip but right IN my fucking mouth....

instantly blood starts flowing and i waddle to the bathroom mirror wondering how stupid this is going to look and sound when i try to explain it to ppl...its not all that deep on my face but the scratch in my mouth seems to be the worst.

Now don't u think for one moment i was not instantly considering the GERM/COOTIE factor of this event...that's ALL ive been thinking about actually...i basically had a litter box in my mouth...and ppl wonder why im single...?

My upper lip is just a little swollen (u cant really notice the scratch coming down from my nose) but the scratch in my mouth is a lot more swollen and irritated...

So there is my xmas tragedy....not so bad...just stupid. The cat hid for 4 hrs afterwards....which is funny to

Its friggin snowing...I bought gloves though so im all good. I went to find a jacket today with xmas $ but...nothing was calling out to me so ill stick with the layering technique.

GONZO MAGAZINE is out finally.... check me out on page 30/31... CLICK HERE
Sometimes i read what is in the magazines (my own stuff) and as I read im thinking "THAT FUCKER REWROTE THIS!!!!" and i go check my submitted copy and I actually wrote it. ha ha ha Sometimes I use words and phrases that sounds smarter than me haha

Xmas Eve we will be popping over to where some friends are housesitting for some food and visiting...I think that will be my xmas visiting done all in one sitting.
A movie xmas day possibly (maybe I can convince Ayla to actually come with me to one???)
Still debating the xmas dinner thing....I will buy the crap and just cook it whenever we feel like it.

<--- hahahaha Kaitlin, Connie's wee toddler grrl...ready 4 xmas!!!!!

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