Friday, February 13, 2009


ohhh thank the goddess of weekends that the w/e is finally here...

just found out that the new boss is not the old boss


ohhh yeah baby!!!

I was hoping for a particular person, mainly b/c I know her here and she is super resourceful and nice etc....but she didn't get it sadly...I hope she will stick around but the person who got it is COMPETENT and that's enough for me.

Woke up with such a bad headache this morning it was on the verge of migraine, I was friggin cross eyed for shits sake so today I am taking it easy(er) at work and not getting too intense about anything at all...aside from my orange carrot juice drink.

Ayla took a cab to school this morning hahaha Cracks me up...b/c last week I told her if I get any calls form the school that shes missed a class or is late it means the whole following week shes grounded...well...I think its resourceful of her to ensure she makes it on time even if it costs her her own cash. :o)

I have spent the day listening to the most annoying human on earth (at work anyway) carry on and on about her busted she dropped a pickle jar on her toe...on and on to any/everyone who will listen...hello lady...its a busted toe, they hurt like a motherfucker but theres nothing u can do about them so getting xrays is stupid...and no one wants to hear about it anymore for the love of fucking gawd.

the end

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