Tuesday, December 01, 2009

merry tuesday

December 1st 2009

Ayla is headed to Nanaimo this Friday to hang with Aunty Pam and Uncle Jim til Sunday...they sure have cut a lot of the bus runs up island...too bad b/c it was nice having lots of options.

I hate this time of the afternoon...COMA TIME...I need to start skipping a lunch and just snack all afternoon b/c LUNCH is a coma inducing bitch...no matter what it is...I just had a mini-nap waiting for the phone to ring...then the RING gave me a stroke! I love being STARTLED awake...it's funny to watch it happen to other ppl though...U know that thing u do when you're just falling asleep and u feel like yer falling and you do that wretched body jerk from hell and it scares you awake....omfg I hate that and I thinks it's so FRIGGIN FUNNY and EMBARRASSING for some reason....

OK today I went to London Drugs on my break...I need twinkly lights for my xmas twig tree...LED's look awesome but gawd damn my little twig tree looks retarded with LED's on it b/c it's so sparse...so I got a little string of old school twinkle lights for 3 bucks...my twig will look WAY better now! It will illuminate my xmas pickle collection much lovelier as well!

OMFG last night Ayla accidentally drank the Creamo I put in a plastic container thinking it was milk...I laughed and laughed and laughed...as I walked away from her room listening to her rant about getting FAT from cream...haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. OMFG...I still giggle about it. She is back to being a nice human this week...I enjoy this stage a fair bit even though she still is relatively standoffish twds me HA HA HA

The office right now is a giant bundle of noise blur...everyone's talking...phones are ringing...blah blah blah...I've organized a Disgruntled Employee Lunch for Dec 15 b/c that's the day of the big gov't xmas lunch that is happening....for a mere 20.00 I could attend if the thought didn't sicken me...so instead there are a pocket full if dissidents who are going to hang out at the office and order pizza and talk shit about work over gourmet eats. Sounds divine doesn't it?

Someone bought me a new coffee mug at work today that says MEN HAVE FEELINGS TOO...BUT WHO REALLY GIVES A SHIT? Now...yes I admit I chuckled...but I don't believe that statement at all...in fact when I come across men with feelings I really appreciate them and covet them as if they are a rare bird only found in the deep jungles of Indonesia...I know men have feelings..I know it...I also think it is not impossible to imagine that unicorns are also in existence...just sayin'. Ok all joking aside...boys have feelings just not the ones like we have...and it is interesting that someone would buy me a cup like that. Perhaps I am misunderstood... (I know Guy is rolling his eyes and chuckling at my personal denial right now reading this)

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