Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday = Productivity

SATURDAY ~  January 23 2010

I don't like typing 2010 after the looks weird...the Olympics have ruined the year 2010 for me cuz whenever I type it I think of then Olympics. Ugh.

Eating what you want to eat is so much easier than eating what you should...Yesterday I ate bad stuff and I was sick as shit last night for a while...was even hoping I was bulimic enough to just barf but - alas - I was not. Anyway it was a good reminder to behave b/c not only did I feel shitty I STILL FEEL GROSS today...that heaviness feeling that I have ditched since summer is back and thank you...not living like that again.

Something happened to my post yesterday in transmission, I am not sure what cut off, I dunno wtf I said, nothing noteworthy clearly so whatever. Just babbling on about the impending doom of these 2 upcoming interviews and the importance of ONE of them panning out or gawd help me I will lose my shit if I have to keep living in limbo land.

Last night Donna and I went for a walk and then went to Andrea's so they could play Rock Band on Wii...omfg...Donna singing is fucking awesomely funny...she gets into it, groove, improvises...I near peed a few times...her going Nirvana's IN BLOOM adding in Chad Kroeger-like YEAHHHHs was disturbing though....New band name is CROTCH.ROT...Donna talks about this Rock Band band like it is real, "gotta go jam Dan, don't wait up!" etc...its very amusing...b/c I want no part of this I was designated band manager named Mary Commando...Donna is Daisy __________ fuck I forget...and we are trying to get Andrea to agree to be Lu Lu Labia but she isn't super keen on it.

I "found" some Olympic pins at work, not at work, in the FOYER and took it upon myself to jam them all in my pocket to ALTER and then give out....SPIRIT of 2010 with turn into SPIT on 2010.
Yes I am 12 years old, what is your point??

I slept in today....I love myself.

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