Monday, March 01, 2010

Dear Sweet Baby Jesus,

Thank you for making the Olympics finally end.
And thank you for making sure Canada owned that gawd damn podium b/c that will be a great comfort to me (and many others) when we get laid off again this year once the bills start rolling in.
Oh and thank you for making sure Donna wasn't fatally wounded when she was mowed over by a skateboarder on Sat. night.

Love & Dead Puppies,
Jennifer xo


exnihlo said...

I'm still wretching violently.

Conky said...

want me to hold your hair back for you??

exnihlo said...

You are so thoughtful.

And hey, smarty pants. Contrary to your commnets on FB, this comment box refuses to remember my name and password. I have to sign in every single time. Not a great pain to be able to contribute to so great an enterprise, but.....

Conky said...

if your security settings arent set too high it should save the cookie....?
if your setting are security paranoid then it wont save shit all...
do u have to sign into FB all the time too??

exnihlo said...

Nope, this is the only site I have to sign into each and every time.

Conky said...

ok i cant explain that then bc it works for me at home and work as a saved cookie.... :o( IM SORRY!!!!! but gawd damn it arent i worth it?!?!? ARENT I!?!?!?!

Conky said...

I sense that was difficult 4 u to say hahaha