Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Jean Claude Chocolaty Goodness

Ohhh the child endears herself to me occasionally...and all it takes is some paper-mache and some brown paint....I have named my new Ayla-Made Monkey ~JEAN CLAUDE~. He looks chocolaty...like a poo sculpture really...I love him...Ayla rarely puts for effort for me let alone full blow gestures of niceness so they are super special when they come my way...I am so desperate for them I suck it all up like a dead dry sponge.

Dentist today...get to lv work early...always a treat...even for the dentist....I am in uterus peril currently for the next few days so I am armed with products and Tylenol...Graeme has already endured the “week prior to my period” hell and survived....just. He is bald now. Not b/c I am psycho the week before my period. He hated his new haircut so bad he opted to just get rid of it all...feels yummy.

I was just enjoying a package of Sesame Snaps -180 calories & 10 grams of fat FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!! JESSSSSSSUS! Didn’t see that coming! Must be that special fat they make in Poland to send over to the fat westerners to keep us plump and sedated with sesame sugary goodness. So much for that innocent little snack.

I bought my bus ticket to Nanaimo yesterday so I can go stay with Aunty Pam the night before we travel up to Powell River on June 12th. WOOHOO! Will be there til the 15th...then I still have a few days to bask in non-working glory cuz I don’t go back til the 21st.

Wow Israel...could you be a bigger douche bag? I know this is a complex issue and the Palestinians are not exactly cloaked in flowers and innocence but JFC – ppl gotta eat...and gotta have stuff...buncha jackasses. This who issue is maddening b/c you know neither side will ever relent since it is based on some stupid religious bullshit...gawd what a fucking waste of a life (lives!) spending it fighting for something so ridiculous...Ohhh no we must have this land b/c Jesus was here once....ohhh no we must have this land for some other equally retarded reason....I shoot u....BANG....oh shit here comes a missile...oh great all my kids just got killed....awesome...ohhh look a 7 yr old sniper is going to shoot me...fuck off already.


Cathy said...

I hear ya about the kid....isn't it sad that some little disporportionate little shit monkey makes you teary eyed...ahhahah

Barbara Bruederlin said...

It does look like a poo sculpture! Ayla is so talented and knows the way to her mother's heart.

Abu Anka said...

"disporportionate little shit monkey". Thank you Cathy. It's my new favorite phrase.

Stephen Harper, that disporportionate little shit monkey....

Conky said...
