Thursday, July 15, 2010


I am a neglecter...but is it really neglecting when no one is here to be neglected? That is the question.

Have been experiencing a funky mind-humping this week...not too sure about talking about it on here though due to the nature of the mind hump and the internet being far from private. It is in regards to an old pen pal of mine who I havent spoken to in over 10 yrs but still maintain a fondness for... <---not pervily you degenerates. Anyway I need to mull some more and research some more before I blather on about it.

Looking fwd to this 3 day weekend coming up...going to be busy and full of plans and has become apparent to me that I am a PLANNER. I dont care much for unplanned things...I can be spontaneous but it has to be on my terms hahaha I am sure this drives Ayla and Graeme mad b/c they are both way more free spirited in that regard that I am...esp. Ayla.

I was googling my username recently to see what comes up if ppl search for it...there is 7+ pages for shits sake...a lot of it is photos and I was surprised to see that a bunch of my photos have been used in other ppls websites...most notably my rubber chicken pictures and the pic of andrea's g-string/butt HAHAHA There is even a picture of me used in some latvian website...I had it translated and was relieved that the article was not about ugly Canadians or something like that. lol


And u all thought Mel Gibson hated Jews.....


Maggie Ellwyn said...

it just became apparent to you that you are a planner?! i think one of your most used phrases is "so, what's the plan?"

Conky said...

sometimes you just arent CONSCIOUS of these little things until you realize ppl are JUDGING you for it constantly lol

Anonymous said...

Just so ya know, I'm not neglecting you on purpose.
For the last couple of weeks, my dial-up speed has been running less than half the speed it's supposed to.
I'm quite fed up with this piece of technology I tell ya!
It takes 5 min just to get into your comments.

Conky said...

OMG HORRIFIC! No worries...its summer i thought with both kids home FT u were BUSY!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that too. And company that overstayed their welcome. :)