Thursday, May 19, 2011

EGG SALAD - I command get in my mouth!

Lunch time over here in the cubical...egg salad....some yogurt...cup o' tea...oh yeah.

Today lunch also involved a Facebook purge...not as fun as the usual ones I partake in know...friendships have always been incredibly important to whole life...and as an adult I cherish the friendships that have managed to stand the test of time. As of late, I have really begun to look at the depth of said friendships and have really gotten to the point where I am pretty much done carrying the weight of keeping in touch and nurturing a few of my friendships along so they resemble something worthwhile...done.
I really was honestly planning to maintain a friendship with was not just bullshit I spouted off b/c that's what you are supposed to say, I meant it...but the more time that goes by without any contact or any notion of friendship down the line I just decided that for now there was no point pretending we were friends when clearly we weren't. Even if there was some conversation going on I am not at all convinced that he possesses the capability to be friends on a level that I require...if I judge him by how he conducts his other friendships anyway...and I certainly do not presume to mean more to him than his other friends where he would make me some grand exception to the rule...perhaps he needs an incredibly long time to get there - I dunno...why don't I know? Oh b/c we don't communicate worth shit....thus I decided to purge it all...if one day it all morphs into something different great - in the mean time I am just tired of being 'that person'...
I did that with Bruce for a long time...was the one to maintain and upkeep the friendship and its just so beyond me now...he got the purge treatment too...I could rant on about how difficult it is to maintain genuine  and real friendships with men but I do have a few that are stellar so I prefer to just categorize this sort of thing as a HUMAN issue rather than a GENDER one.

Got a letter from the mammogram ppl - no breast cancer that they can detect...OH HURRAY! These saggy flour sacks of breasty goodness are staying put for a while yet....

This whole week is just about making it to Saturday to fly up to Ladysmith and see Ryan McMahon & favorite thing about it is that Donna...::sigh::...feels like whenever she is around him/them that she acts like a social retard and comes off like a total dumbfuck when in truth its not anything like she feels it is but it haunts her and causes her great anxiety so....the commentary we have building up to these outings CRACKS ME UP...whereas I should probably feel more socially aware but I just don't

Here is some video of Mr McMahon I took a few years ago...he was sick as crap too and still pulled off a great show and sounded good!


Adele said...

Hahaha! "saggy flour sacks of breasty goodness" just made me laugh coffee out of my nostrils...

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I shall never again think of my own boobs as anything but saggy flour sacks of breasty goodness. Because they are. So thanks for that!

Adele said...

Hahaha! I wish mine were saggy flour sacks of breasty goodness. I can't even call mine pancakes...more like "unfilled miniature crepes that were left overnight on the counter to shrivel up and dry". Hahaha!

Conky said...

ummm excuse me....dont knock the deflated crepes! if its gotta nipple its all breasty goodness!!