Sunday, December 08, 2013

Friday Night Dance Party...and beyond...

Have I mentioned I love Macklemore? I do.

What a week...Kori is sill hanging in there...face and head swelling down a bit but still quite bad...which is normal they say. I saw him the other night and regardless of my preparation in my head I was not ready for was very upsetting. Thankfully the blood thinners did not cause any more clots or brain bleeding so at least now there is a bit of relief knowing the blood thinners should ward off any new clots...

Kori has realized the gravity of his situation I think...he told Mary this was a complete nightmare so he clearly gets it. His physio has started...he is able to push back with this left leg, no idea if that means anything long term good or not but it is better than a kick in the arse. As it stands they say he will be in this hospital for 4 mths...then possibly move back hm up to Nanaimo for further treatment and rehab for many more months idea when he can be at home, they mentioned at one point that could be a year away. Hard to say when his brain is still so swollen they can't really know exactly what the damage is and how it will affect him long term. It is clear they are not familiar with strokes in such a young person...lots of 2nd opinions are being gotten b/c I just do not think Dr's see stroke patients this young very often.

Mary is hanging in there ok...getting stuff done and extremely busy with Kori every day and getting him to eat...and generally looking after him b/c without someone there all the time he doesn't really get optimal care, that goes for any hospital and most situations. Hospital staff do not have an hour to feed 1 patient...they just don't.

Cedar was here this weekend for a sleep over with Mary...he is quite a sweet boy...and was really needing some mommy time. He is liking his time at his aunt and uncles with his 2 cousins but made it very clear he wanted xmas with his Mary, Cedar and her 19 yr old son Austin can stay at my place and do xmas since Kim & I will be at the hotel swimming and hot tubing, acting like rich assholes. Then we can come back here xmas day and hang out and make homemade xmas pizzas lol

1 comment:

Barbara Bruederlin said...

It's good that Kori and Mary have such good friends, who can give them a place to do Christmas together. Have fun at your getaway Christmas!